IPA   /ˈwiztek/ — no meaning, I made it up
Hi there, I'm Abdulkareem aka WiZtEk. I'm a dude with interests in building things, I guess I would describe myself as a Fullstack Developer/Software Engineer but that's because I like to understand all parts of a system to know how it works and if possible improve it. I'm mainly into game and web development right now, trying to learn Stride3D (formerly Xenko) andBlender, I also use the terminal as much as I can.

Right now I'm working at Nowhere.



A Sales Management App built with NextJS, Shadcn and Supabase.

Node-React-TS-Docker Template

A Dockerized Node and React Template application, with everything from session, authentication, routes, user management and setup.


A buyme-a-coffe/ko-fi clone built with NextJS, Shadcn and Airtable.

EasyBank Landing Page

A Simple Landing Page Built with HTML, SCSS and JS.


A Video Streaming Website like youtube or vimeo where users can upload videos and shorts

React Native Todo

A To-Do app written in React-Native with Expo.


Mobile app for Strmr written with React Native.


A Nodejs REST API project with sessions, authentication, routes, user management setup.

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